Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Uno mas dia en la playa.

I spent the afternoon chatting with my friend Vero at her shop again.  Getting that kind of practice with my Spanish is absolutely priceless.  I was there for about four hours.  Not much else to report.  I am going to take a nap, and then later I plan on sauntering down to Pollo Bollo for some food.  Afterwards, I am either going to come home and spend a little time with myself, or I am going to settle in to watch a bad movie at Ramona's.  At 10pm, I am meeting my friends at the disco for a "drink" (I use quotes because I drink juice) and to chat.

On my way home from the beach, I saw a massive jellyfish that had been washed up.  You don't usually see them this large here, not often at least.  I would hate to run into one like this while swimming.  It would really hurt.

I am watching pelicans go nuts scooping up fish that are schooling and flopping around near the surface of the water.  I don't know why they do that, unless something is perhaps stirring them into a frenzy from below as well, because the pelicans watch for it and take advantage.  It is like a little fish smorgasbord down there.

Pics from today:

The mouth of the river is a mini delta of sand today.

Part of the trail on my way to walk across the river.

When I was eating breakfast, this guy came over to say MAO.  Mao mao mao mao.  There was something very strange about him, he moved all weird and twitchy, like something is wrong in his brain.  I was almost scared to touch him because I didn't know what was wrong with him.  I asked, and they told me a coconut had fallen on his back and hurt him.  Poor guy.  He likes eggs and tortillas and beans.

Where you get to sit if you are a patron of the hotel, or a friend of someone who works around there.  And to the left, the pie lady Augustina!  She makes the best cheese pie.

Another shot of Augustina.

Una mariposa.

This is Charlie.  He is a pretty famous dog... he has his own website.

A better photo than the other day looking up river.

One more river pic.

The jellyfish, with my sandals for size reference.  I touched him with a sandal and he was tough, not liquid like I expected.

Sand birds of some kind.

Plants in front of my house.

1 comment:

  1. I do not understand the concept of cheese pie. I saw your pic from the other day, and it looks great, but I don't quite grok it. What kind of cheese is it? Does a piece of cheese pie weigh, like, two pounds? After eating a piece, will your digestive system ever return to normal (ahem)? More data points required.

    Also, way to discriminate against coconut cat. Poor little guy.

