Saturday, November 13, 2010

46 minutes until takeoff

I am in the airport and waiting to board my plane.  I got to experience the nude airport scanner.  I was given a choice between a physical pat down or stepping into the machine... I took the machine, just for fun.  They security person has to wait for an ok before they allow you to move on because the image is viewed by people that are elsewhere in the building.  I joked that maybe they were going to request another go through because I'm just that hot.

I have been talking with a few Mexicans that were here to work, but are finished and leaving for home.  It sounds like most are returning.  They all have brand new shoes on.  It seems they all feel our winters are shockingly cold, and one told me that nobody back home believed him when he explained that it was minus 30 here last winter.  There is a sixty degree difference some of the time between Mexico weather in the hotter locations, and Calgary during the winter.  Yikes.

I decided to buy a camera in the end (THANK YOU FOR YOUR OFFER JIM!) so there should be images to see here in the near future, hopefully as soon as tomorrow.  If yer lucky.

Ciao mis amigos...

1 comment:

  1. lol i often op for the free handjob by the tsa agents
